Wednesday 26th February 2025
Isaiah 43:15 reveals the fourfold kingdom pattern in God's character.
In Isaiah 43:15 we see the fourfold  pattern of God's kingdom in God's character as the Loving, Holy, Creator, King.
Isaiah 43:15 says;  "I am the LORD, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King".
The words "Lord", Holy", Creator" and :King" show us the fourfold Kingdom pattern revealed in God's character, as follows:
1.) "LORD" speaks of God's loving rescue.
God as the "LORD", which translates the Hebrew name "Yahweh", is the loving God who rescues His people. 
Note the "your" (2x) in Isaiah 43:15, which points to how Yahweh loving rescues and relates to His own believing people.
In Exodus 6:1-7, God reveals His name as Yahweh, the God who, faithful to His covenant, acts to lovingly rescues His people from slavery in Egypt.
And Jesus is that "LORD", Yahweh, the loving Saviour of His believing people (Romans 10:9; Matthew 1:21).

2.) "Holy" speaks of God's judgment and removal of evil.
God as "Holy" ultimately removes all evil in His judgment of wickedness.
God describes Himself as "your Holy One". The transcendently unique "One", who is set apart from all that is evil. And who will remove the wickedness which harms His people and His creation. "Your Holy One" will act as "Holy" on behalf of His people.

3.) "Creator" speaks of God's restoration of His ruined creation.
God as the "Creator", who originally made all things (Genesis 1:1), also restores His sin ruined creation.
This creational restoration begins with His new creational work in Israel, His people. Note how the verse speaks of God as "the creator of Israel".

4.) "King "speaks of God's active reign.
And all of this, rescue of believers, removal of evil and restoration of creation is effected by God as the "King" who comes in Jesus and the Holy Spirit to actively reign. 
See how Isaiah 40:1-11 promises the coming active reign of God.
And see how Mark 1:14-15 and Matthew 12:28 announce that this active reign of God is present in Jesus and in the Holy Spirit.
Saturday 15th february 2025
A SIMPLE definition of the fourfold pattern of God’s kingdom centres around four key words: reign, rescue, remove and restore.
The Bible teaches that the kingdom of God is the active reign of God to rescue God’s believing people, remove God’s evil enemies, and restore God’s good creation.

The fourfold pattern of God’s kingdom, pictured in the Exodus, is summarised in Psalm 78:51–55 which says:
"He struck down every firstborn in Egypt, the first fruits of their strength in the tents of Ham. Then he led out his people like sheep and guided them in the wilderness like a flock. He led them in safety, so that they were not afraid, but the sea overwhelmed their enemies. And he brought them to his holy land, to the mountain which his right hand had won. He drove out nations before them; he apportioned them for a possession and settled the tribes of Israel in their tents".
Theses verses summarise and picture the fourfold pattern of God’s kingdom in the Exodus as follows:
Egypt represents evil, which God defeats and removes (see Psalm 78:51, 53b, 55a).
Israel represents believers, God’s faithful people, who are rescued by God (see Psalm 78:52–53). 
Canaan represents creation, and “the mountain” represents the Garden of Eden, which God restores and makes “holy” for the benefit and blessing of His people (see Psalm 78:54–55).
God’s dynamic reign as Shepherd King does it all (see Ps. 78).
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